la jolla covid-19 test for travel

Rapid COVID-19 Testing San Diego

The rate of COVID-19 infections continues to rise in big cities around the country, especially San Diego. As a result, there is a growing demand for fast and efficient COVID-19 testing at health clinics throughout San Diego. One such health clinic is Urgent Care La Jolla. If you need rapid COVID-19 testing in San Diego, give us call today to schedule your appointment: (858) 255-8325

We are conveniently located in the Village of La Jolla: GET DIRECTIONS

SPECIAL OFFER: Book your PCR COVID-19 Test with Results in 1 hour.  We will come to your La Jolla Hotel for no extra charge!

We also offer COVID-19 Testing for Travel

RT-PCR Test (Lab On-Site)

  • rt-PCR COVID-19 results in 30 minutes! NO WAITING!

  • Gold standard COVID-19 testing

  • Accredited laboratory on-site

  • CLIA Certified/fully licensed medical facility

  • Accepted by most airlines & US embassies in foreign countries

  • Soft nasal swab

  • QR code on COVID-19 test (extra fee)

Rapid Antigen Testing

  • Test results in 15 minutes

  • Gold standard for COVID-19 testing

  • Certificate included with test results

  • Accepted by most airlines

  • Open 7 days a week

  • Test reimbursable by most insurance companies

Call us to schedule your rapid COVID-19 Test! (858) 255-8325

same day covid testing for travel

Learn More About Rapid COVID-19 Testing San Diego

Types of COVID-19 Testing

There are multiple types of COVID-19 tests available. The differences pertain to how the tests get performed, their level of reliability, and how long they take to deliver results.

Let’s take a look at the different types of tests:

Expedited PCR COVID-19 Test – The PCR test is the most popular COVID-19 test. It is a polymerase chain reaction test, where a nasal swab collects genetic material so that it can be tested for the virus. You can usually get the results on the day after the testing.

Rapid PCR COVID-19 Test – Here is a same-day version of the PCR test. So rather than wait until the next day, you can get the PCR test results on the same day you take the test. This option is popular amongst travelers who’re required to take a COVID-19 test.

Rapid COVID-19 Antibody Test – The antibody test doesn’t detect the COVID-19 viral infection. Instead, it detects whether you have the proper COVID-19 antibodies to generate a positive immune response against the virus. People who’ve been vaccinated or infected already should have these antibodies available. This test will confirm it.

Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test – The antigen test is another COVID-19 test with same-day results. It tests for specific proteins found on this coronavirus to determine if you’re infected. You can usually get the results within 30 minutes.

Appointments vs. Walk-ins for Rapid COVID-19 Testing San Diego

rapid covid-19 testing for travel la jolla

Remember that same-day testing requires you to make an appointment at Urgent Care La Jolla. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that same-day testing will be available to walk-ins who haven’t made an appointment.

Do you manage a business or event? If so, you can have Urgent Care La Jolla set up COVID-19 testing services at a specific time and place for your organization. Contact us for more information on this service. (858) 255-8325

Posted in COVID-19.

Dr. Peter Mann