Strep throat, also known as streptococcus pyogenes, is a painful bacterial infection of the throat which is highly contagious. If you sneeze or cough around other people while infected with this virus, then you could transmit it to them. In fact, you could transmit it by not washing your hands and then touching door handles or knobs that other people use.
School children are most commonly affected by strep throat. All it takes is one affected child in school, and you could have several other children affected very quickly. The symptoms of strep throat are not very pleasant. Aside from soreness of the throat, you might also experience headache, swollen tonsils, nausea, swallow pain, body aches, vomiting, and swollen lymph nodes.
A strep throat is more severe than a cold or flu. Don’t think you can just leave it alone and let it heal itself. If you don’t remove the infection with antibiotics in a timely manner, then it might spread to other areas of your body. The most common places include your sinuses, ears, and kidneys. It is not uncommon for kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever to form because of this untreated infection. If you need treatment for strep throat in La Jolla, schedule your appointment today!
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Learn More About Strep Throat Treatment La Jolla
Strep throat is not the only health condition which causes these symptoms. That is why you need to visit your doctor and have them determine whether you have strep throat or something else. Once they figure out the type of bacterial infection you have, they can provide you with the best treatment for it.
The doctor uses an antigen test to detect the infection. If the test results are negative, then a throat culture test may be done. This kind of test is where the doctor swabs your throat for saliva samples and then tests the samples in a laboratory. The specific type of infection can be determined from this test.
If the doctor’s test confirms that you have the Streptococcus pyogenes infection, then you will be prescribed antibiotics. You won’t need to take antibiotics for very long because the bacterial infection should go away within a day. At the very least, you’ll no longer be contagious around other people.
If you you need treatment for strep throat in La Jolla, schedule your appointment today to see one of our urgent care doctors, or give us a call! (858) 255-8325